Zensus Datenbank Website

Databank website for Zensus 2022 Germany by re-establishing a clear structure to resolve usability issues and improve user experience.

About Zensus

ZENSUS is a nationwide official statistics project in Germany, providing reliable population and housing figures for politics, administration, business, science and the general public.

As the citizen who living in this country, I was also inquired and became one of the denominators of results from ZENSUS 2022. Since that I am very curious about the results of it.

Problems in current datenbank cause disjointed and inefficient user experience

The website lacks a coherent structure and clear guidance on the homepage, which does not offer appealing information. It also has ineffective search and filter functions, limited customizability and operability of data tables, and does not provide users with the possibility to visualize information geographically.

Friendly, seamless and clear procedure

1New launching:
Friendly, seamless and clear design

Based on preliminary research, the composition of the entire site was redesigned and the function of each page was clearly defined. These changes were made to help users find a clear route through datenbank websites and eliminate confusion.

Homa page

The home page serves as the platform's gateway and establishes the first impression. Upon entering, users immediately see the primary feature—the search function—followed by prominent indicators that not only show the categories but also dynamically highlight the most popular searches within each category.

The next section shows the data results pages, which are the main part of the site. Here user can learn how the census data is displayed and how to access the results.

Eye-catching indicators

Example hints for search field

Pages introduction

Male : female audience ≈ 6:4

Nearly 80% of audience are under the age of 35

The majority of the Chinese podcast audience is singel

Listing pages

Clear listings and categorization means efficient Navigation

Listing pages

Clear listings and categorization means efficient Navigation

Table page

Well structured and flexibly cutsomized Tables that better meet User’s requirements

Table page

Well structured and flexibly cutsomized Tables that better meet User’s requirements

Atlas page

Visualizing data geographically makes it more understandable

Atlas page

Visualizing data geographically makes it more understandable

UX Development

Home page

UX Development

Home page


Friendly, seamless and clear design

1New launching:
Friendly, seamless and clear design

Interpretive design throughout the website

These parts enhances user experience by providing contextual hints and step-by-step navigation, making it easier for users to understand and utilize the site's features effectively

UX Development

Dynamic examples as search hints

UX Development

Dynamic examples as search hints

UX Development

Introductory Walkthrough for result pages

UX Development

Introductory Walkthrough for result pages

Consistent and Minimalist visual language